What the Left gets Right: Inequality is real. I ended our last post by advocating for capitalism, flaws and all. Three years ago, I would never have imagined myself doing so. I was All. In. on universal basic income (which I'm placing bets will be rolled out with the rapidly incoming central bank digital currencies AKA
What the Left gets Right: society has structural problems, part 2. To pick up where we left off on August 1st, the Left actually isn't advancing a structureless society, though, much as many on the Left might believe they are. The Left also believes that stripping society of hierarchy a) actually gets rid of power and b) will benefit
What the Left gets Right: society has structural problems, part 1. The last five-ish years, it's been impossible to avoid hearing/seeing advocacy to "undo" "structural" or "institutional" problems. The most common problem named is "structural/institutional racism," of course, but, as the Left has reorganized more and more of society,
What the Left gets Right: Accountability Matters. In my second June post, I reflected briefly on accountability, and have been thinking about it in broader light than I used to ever since. It's not just that church, like I mentioned in my last post, seems to be evading accountability. It's that their are
What The Left gets Right: there are issues with the church (part 2). Parents may think they're doing their kids a favor by teaching them a wide range of theories, religions, perspectives, etc., and then letting them pick which ones they prefer/think is best/works for them. But that's a disaster if there actually is such a thing
What the Left Gets Right: there are issues with the church - part 1. My reflections on Tim Keller's death last month have changed how I was going to write about this subject, which has been on my list for quite a while. I'd wanted to be more respectful and sophisticated than simply hurling insults at the church, which is
A break from our regularly scheduled programming It is pure coincidence, if anything ever is, that I'm needing to take a break from my What The Left Gets Right series at the halfway mark in the calendar year: four days after my last note to you last month, Tim Keller died and I have been
What the Left gets Right: the expansion of medically assisted suicide is dangerous and ominous. Back in March, I wrote about the Canadian program MAID, which stands for medical assistance in dying. The fact that this program exists is concerning enough as it is but why it's been making news lately makes it even more worrisome. Before March 31st, only those with a
What the Left gets Right: public education has gone wrong (part 3). I want to acknowledge that I started this series in agreement with The Left on its stance that public education has gone very wrong. I agree; it has. And Street Data is just one example of how it could go even more wrong. Street Data, as I've written
What the Left gets Right: Something is wrong with public education (part 2). At the beginning of the month, I began the discussion of the woes of public education. The Left is right that something is very wrong in our public schools, and that a lot of what's wrong is having kids sitting in rows of desks asking for permission for
What the Left gets Right: Something is wrong with public education (part 1). I come from a long line of passionate, gifted, committed public school teachers. I went to public schools for every year of my K-12 education. Today's is not a knock on the thousands of men and women who faithfully serve the next generations in the trenches (and public
What the Left Gets Right: Feelings matter. One of the things the Radical Left practices, intentionally or otherwise, is the airing of and "working through" of feelings. This often happens in the prevailing ideology's version of struggle sessions that alienate people based on "oppressor" versus "oppressed" identity statuses, but
What the Left gets Right: "reverse racism" isn't a thing If you've attempted to make sense of anti-racism and how to behave these days as a white person so as not to be accused of racism, you've probably come across the term "reverse racism" (as well as tied yourself in knots trying to avoid
What the Left gets Right: Appropriation is wrong As I mentioned in my last newsletter, I'm going to reflect on the anathema called appropriation. The Radical Left trains its adherents to be hair-trigger sensitive to cultural appropriation; adherents are to immediately and strongly stand against anything that gives off even a scent of, as Wikipedia summarizes,
What the Left gets Right: Language matters I'm a writer. I've fought for many years to claim this gifting and have wrestled for over a decade with guilt for "writing while the world's on fire" and "not doing anything actually useful" while things fall apart. After all,
What The Left Gets Right: Getting your Act Together Is Hard I'm going to start my series "What I agree with on The Left still" by talking about identity. The Left is currently hypnotized by Identity, so much so that they are sadly quite blind to the aspects of identity that are very small and will shrink
Truth and grace Just before Christmas last year, writing that shared my journey away from the Radical Left got characterized by the news publication that had gratefully and excitedly published it as "truth that lacks grace." I was told I would be "limited" in what I can say until
A year-end reflection Normally, you get emails from me on the 15th of every month at 10:15 am Pacific Time. You'll notice this one is a bit late. It's been a very rough morning after a somewhat triggering evening yesterday, which, I was reminded, is in the midst
What is Division Good For? Whatever you think about the recent elections in the United States, it's clear that the division Americans on all sides are feeling is worsening and getting more bitter. It used to be that no side would admit to wanting division; now, that the Woke cult/Radical Leftists are
Consent is not enough When I was a committed Radical Leftist, I preached at anyone who would listen (and even - especially - those who would not) about consent. I rage posted this condescending video over and over, rubbing good men's noses in the mistakes I was told bad men (which, in
How to apologize When someone confronts us about something we've done wrong, most of us probably feel bad and find some version of the words "I didn't mean to" coming out of our mouths. For many years, if I was on the receiving end of that kind
You're not alone in feeling alone Last month, I wrote about how empty it can feel to hear people say "you are not alone" when no one is actually showing up in real life anymore, justifying the crazy-making and extremely damaging isolation that COVID made worse but has been there all along with "