What the Left Gets Right: women are being exploited and threatened.

One particularly malignant aspect of the mental health crisis I wrote about last week is the rapid and seemingly thorough takeover of all major institutions of the transgender ideology. If you ask any questions at all about this soft-suicide stepping stone to transhumanism, you are the problem: you’re “hateful” and “dangerous” and god forbid “transphobic.” It’s not the vicious mocking and humiliation by men who think they're women but clearly hate women (and do't behave at all the way actual women do). It's not the irreversible and radical surgeries that are proving to leave people in chronic pain and with decreased function and increased suicidal ideation (but don’t we have to rush our 12-year-olds into surgeries erstwhile reserved for stage-four cancer patients to avoid their suicides?). It's not the accessing of women's spaces by predators dressing up as one of us (yes, I'm aware #NotAllTransMen. I'm also aware of just how MANY trans men. See below.) No. It's you, who dane not to give into the pressure of compulsory allyship and simply ask questions, are the problem.
It's a dangerous enough society that treats words as more threatening than medical procedures on children that remove healthy tissue (which is the path a kid is put on the instant the adults around them start playing along with the delusion and use the kid’s “preferred pronouns,” whatever that means), cannot be undone and have insufficient evidence to produce the result they claim to. But it gets worse. The false religion of transgenderism (I’ve seen billboards in more than one major city than say “trans people are sacred,” which is truly astonishing to me) threatens everyone, but especially women. Surprise, surprise. This, along with the fact that I believe in reality, is why I’m not a “trans ally:” transgenderism is an existential threat to biological women (not that there’s any other kind).
Notice how they never group trans people with men. It’s always “Men” and “Women and Trans/Nonbinary people.” Why do you think that this? It’s very obvious that this is largely a push for biological men (not that there’s any other kind) to access the women-only spaces women have long fought for. I won’t go into statistics here, but you can check out John Uhler’s work for how many men claiming to be women are sex offenders. In other words, yes, the bathroom question is a big deal, and I refuse to have my compassion weaponized against me as the Radical Left is unapologetic about doing at scale. If I call the police on a man in a dress in a woman’s bathroom because he is spying on women for his own sexual gratification (which is not a minority of cases, actually), I will be labeled the problem (if they even come at all; thanks to the unaccountable slashing of police budgets in many major cities in the US, the police don’t come unless there’s a shooting, and even then, only if there’s a fatality). This is madness. In the name of “compassion” for the poor confused man (who knows exactly what he’s doing, BTW), I have to show allyship (whether I actually am an ally or not, which I guess makes sense, since transgenderism is clearly not interested in the truth) by happily risking my physical safety in public places – as in, places I as a member of the public should also be allowed to exist in peace. I don’t have room to get into how badly transgenderism is affecting healthcare specifically for women, how it’s wreaking havoc on the government indoctrination system some still call “public schools,” and how it’s decimating relationships, which are already struggling due mainly to culturally-encouraged self idolatry.
My parents are very liberal. I’m grateful they didn’t let me make life-altering, irreversible decisions when my brain hadn’t fully developed. I’m grateful they raised me to think of others before myself—as a way of self care. I wish they had given me more mirroring about what they saw in me as opposed to giving me the crushing burden of the belief that I could “be anything I wanted,” by which they did not mean a boy. It’s time we stop treating kids like adults, and it’s time we start affirming their gender (the one that was apparent six weeks after conception, not “assigned at birth”) for real. The health and continued existence of women—and thus the species—depends on it.