What the Left Gets Right: our society is in a mental-health crisis.

It’s so bad, I think most people on the Right would agree with those on the Left about this. I’ve written extensively about this crisis on Mad in America, though it’s a fairly focused and Left-leaning outlet, so I haven’t gone into much about the pandemic-related psychosis I’ve seen make most aspects of life so much worse than they already were. There was an epidemic of loneliness well before the pandemic, which only worsened in the last three years. Addiction, anxiety, and depression were all on the rise before the pandemic; the last three years have skyrocketed their increase. The pandemic worsened these things, but they were huge problems before. So something went wrong well before the pandemic and its overblown, engineered response that they seem to be gearing up again to inflict upon us. (As an aside, do not comply. You’re not going to die. Well, you will someday – more likely at the hands of a totalitarian government than of this virus if we don’t stop this madness: I haven’t run the numbers, but I’m pretty sure totalitarianism has killed more people than plagues).
Since the pandemic, crime, petty theft, vandalism, shootings, the general degradation of life in community have all blown up. The respect we used to have to other people, the respect I was raised (by liberal parents!) to have for other people, their space, their property and personal responsibility is extremely difficult to find in society now. It seems that the way the pandemic was handled empowered narcissistic and selfish individuals to use whatever amount of power they believe they have to manipulate and control others and that shows no signs of letting up at all. I don’t think mass formation psychosis is entirely the correct explanation (though I do agree that fear is a greater threat than COVID) because I think many people know exactly what they’re doing; they know that the response to the pandemic was unnecessary and that there is another agenda here, which is to force a communist utopia where machines control our every movement so that we can feel “safe” from being human. I also don’t think the people who perpetuated these crimes against humanity should be let off the hook so easily by pointing the finger at the masses and calling them crazy. The last three years (and counting) of economic, social, and spiritual damage that have been purposely inflicted upon the world were and are intentional; many people have taken advantage by seizing the little bit of power they can for themselves, and many others have not bothered to verify the claims made by the mass hypnosis machine they still call the “news.”
Thus, the answer is not “everyone should have a therapist” like many, many liberals and even many Christians (the ones obsessed with personality tests like the Enneagram, which have proven occultic origins, and viciously defend them as “tools” for “self-understanding). Therapy hasn’t been effective in solving most of the biggest problems, which I also write about in Mad In America—to quote the title of a book, we’ve had a hundred years of therapy and the world’s getting worse. Individual navel gazing won’t solve the violence, diminishing quality of life, and erosion of relationships, sense of purpose and meaning of the kind of social and governmental system being forced upon us not just by our governments but also by each other—those who either truly believe the COVID narrative, or those who don’t but are co-opting it for their own sense of power and control. The answer is to say no, resist this unbelievable power grab, and stand up for individual human sovereignty in every possible way you can every day.